The Importance of a Healthy Lawn

Whether you’re getting ready to provide a prospective customer with a landscaping project, or a do-it-yourself homeowner, you’ll want to use the highest quality materials, tools, and equipment to get the job done. No landscaping project is complete without making sure that the lawn you’re working on is a healthy one that’s thick and lush in appearance. A healthy lawn is good for the environment, keeps pests away, makes outdoor activities more enjoyable, and ensures that your property is attractive to all passersby.

How to Keep Your Lawn Beautiful and Healthy

Whether you’re working on a landscape project or are a first-time homeowner, understanding how to keep your lawn beautiful and healthy will greatly extend its longevity and allow you to keep your yard attractive all year round. There are several methods that can be used to ensure that your lawn is as green and healthy as it should be, the first of which involves the application of fertilizer. The type of fertilizer you use and how often you use it all depends on the conditions of your lawn. In areas around Chicago, such as Northern Illinois, St. Charles, and Sycamore, the most common sod is kentucky bluegrass, a cool season grass that has good resistance to wear and tear. However, bluegrass requires more maintenance (fertilizing, mowing, irrigating) than other blends such as a fescue, which aren’t as lush and green as a bluegrass, but provide a lower maintenance product with a great look.

As a fertilizer and grass seed supplier, we offer a wide selection of supplies and delivery services that will undoubtedly prove useful to you when getting ready for your next landscaping project. Fertilization plays a very important role in ensuring that your lawn has as much nutrients as it needs. Your lawn should be fertilized about four times each year, spread out between March/April and October.

Lawn fertilizers contain combinations of the three main nutrients for sod: nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorous. It is important to balance all three because a deficiency in one of these nutrients can greatly damage the health of your lawn or the lawn you’re working on. For instance, a lack of nitrogen can lead to an increase of weeds, reduced growth, and a change in the grass color (e.g. the orange dust). In the event that your next landscaping project calls for fertilizer to be used, it’s essential that you select only the highest quality fertilizers available, which we offer as a fertilizer supplier. Stop in or call the experts here at Dunteman Turf Farms for your specific fertilizing needs to get your lawn or your customer’s lawn looking beautiful.

It’s also important to keep weeds at a minimum, although such weeds as dandelions and crabgrass are particularly persistent. Weeds take away the existing nutrients that your lawn and plants need in order to remain healthy. Proper mowing, ample hydration, and a timely use of herbicidal fertilizers (part of your overall fertilizer strategy) before and after the weeds have sprouted will allow you to keep weeds at bay.

The Benefits of a Healthy Lawn

There are a great many benefits derived from a healthy lawn, namely the fact that your property value will increase when investing in the appearance of your yard. Outside of monetary benefits, your well-kept yard will allow for more enjoyment out of parties, backyards sports, and laying out. Well-maintained lawns also help to improve air quality by trapping dust, lessening carbon, and boosting oxygen. A little known benefit of a healthy lawn is that it can actually reduce noise levels around your house. Healthy grass even absorbs precipitation better, therefore reducing water runoff. Call us today to inquire about our delivery services. Make sure to give us a 3-day notice for delivery so that we can optimize our delivery schedule around our trucks and weather to make sure you get your product at the time you require it. We can, however, accommodate short notice orders for delivery when available.

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