Discover The Benefits Of Working With Sod Quality Grass Seed

Planting grass seed is significantly less costly than laying sod. It also allows for more control over how your lawn looks, how it spreads, and the amount of rapid, erosion control it provides. However, there are a few distinct challenges that come with planing seed. At Dunteman Turf Farms, LLC, we want to share a few important reasons to choose sod quality grass seed.

Not all turf grass seed is equal in quality and composition. We recommend diligently searching for high quality grass seed for sale. Although most homeowners are most interested in creating verdant and healthy lawns, they can introduce a number of problems during the planting process if their seed selection is substandard.

Sod-quality grass seeds have been rigorously tested for purity. As such, you’ll only get seeds for the type of grass you want rather than having other seeds mixed in. If you go for a low-quality options, your lawn might look patchy in certain areas and bare in others. It will also be more difficult to manicure and care for and preserve throughout the years.

Choosing sod-quality products is also the best way to make sure that you aren’t introducing invasive weeds or other invasive vegetation in your yard. You can avoid having to pull weeds up and implement other weed removal treatments. If you want to limit the amount of chemicals that you have to use in your lawn care, we advise only planting sod-quality seeds.

We can help you avoid the contamination of your yard or crop field with unwanted and potentially undesirable seed species. We offer an extensive selection of grass seed types and we’re staffed by knowledgeable professionals who can assist you in choosing the right products for your landscaping plan. To find out more or start shopping, check out our current inventory at Dunteman Turf Farms, LLC or give us a call.